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Turning Your Never Into Now

This is the time to make God your #1 priority. Yes, this blog is about educating your children, however, before you do that you must be willing to educate yourself. In these unprecedented times, where you’re not sure where to go and if you can go, you must get your ears to God’s heart and mouth to hear His perfect will for you and your children. Remember I said His will and not yours.

Yes, you can do it!

Stop saying I can NEVER educate my children, I can NEVER trust anyone, I can NEVER love again, I can NEVER______________ fill in the blank. These are all self-destructive thoughts that will lead you down a path you don’t want to go and will definitely cause you to quit on one of the greatest opportunities, that’s right I said opportunities in your life.

You can educate your children!

The question isn’t whether you can, but whether you will. Remember your will is the absolute strongest part of your soul, which is made up of your mind (or intellect), will (or decision maker) and emotions (your feelings or where you’re located).

Your will can do so many things like the following:

  • Stop you from moving forward

  • Stop you from hearing God

  • Stop you from trusting God

  • Stop you from pursuing God

  • Stop you from obeying God

What are you willing or not willing to do ? What are you afraid of giving up or losing ? Where is your heart concerning the will of God concerning your children’s plans and purposes He’s already established ?

Listen. before you can move forward with anything concerning the education of your child/children the Lord God Yahweh, Jehovah, ABBA has to be first place within your life. He also has finished the plans and thoughts He has for you and your child/children Jeremiah 29:11.

If you’re not willing to put Him first in your life and your child/children’s lives then this blog isn’t for you. There are no hard feelings and I will truly be praying for you as you continue along your journey. However, if you’re willing to listen and open your heart to the Lord then stay tuned for more divine direction and instruction with a bucket of encouragement too.

This isn’t just a blog about education, but the 7 Mountains of Influence where education, family, religion (relationship with Jesus Christ), arts & entertainment, government, business and media will all be discussed in connection with home educating your children and even beyond.

As stated in my book, “How to Homeschool through a Pandemic and Beyond?” there are different learning styles, curriculum and the how to of education. All of this information leads you to one of the 7 Mountains of Influence that govern our culture and to your child/children’s purpose.

God has given each one of us a specific purpose that is located in one of the 7 Mountains of Influence. As we go through this time together open your heart and mind to the many things the Lord Jesus Christ will be revealing to you.

This is just the beginning of great things in store for you and your family.

Turning your NEVER into Now by educating your children will be one of the best things you ever did in life.

See you at the next blog session where we’ll begin this great journey together.

Vanessa Hall

3 Greenwood Place

Pikesville, MD 21208

© 2024 by Michelle Davey, Divinely created by Greta Be Productions Graphic Design

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